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Image by Jimmy  Chang

Shadow Work

Many of us (understandably) try all sorts of ideas to feel why don't you feel better?  It is possible, there is an underlying issue that hasn't been addressed.  Shadow work is to describe the process of uncovering issues instead of covering them up with external stimuli.  Our philosophy of addressing the body, mind and spirit is also about shadow work.

Understanding Shadow Work

Psychologist named Carl Jung, had a belief that the shadow self was a part of the unconscious mind that held repressed aspects of ourselves, including trauma. Shadow work involves identifying and integrating these hidden parts of ourselves. It is believed that we repress or hide parts of ourselves we consider negative and undesirable or unacceptable. Billie will utilize interventions such as Transpersonal Psychology and Parts Work in session to help clients identify these shadow parts and work to heal and integrate them to help individuals “feel whole” again. Some aspects of this work may be considered similar to the Soul Retrieval healing techniques   Billie learned in Core Shamanism; as well as Parts Work that was taught during EMDR training.

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